One Monday morning, a girl met a boy. It was the beginning of her freshman year and she was having many mixed feelings. There were new people, new classes, and a whole new environment in high school. She told her parents that she did not want to leave junior high and wanted to always have the same friends and the same teachers, but she knew that eventually things were going to change. High school is a big step for anybody and it can sometimes change everything in your life. A young, cute girl was very smart but not always when it came to boys. She always fell for the popular boys that were jocks and had tons of friends. Her one mistake was that she always rushed into everything with her emotions. She would talk to someone once then want to talk to them again all the time, and sometimes not every guy she met wanted to do the same thing. But this boy was different. He always listened to her and they started a great relationship that grew throughout the years. It started off when they hung out after school with a group of friends some days. They became best friends and told each other everything, no matter how ugly it was. They turned to each other for everything, and they never fought which was always a plus. They were talking one day about how they were both the same person and they would probably be the perfect couple, but they would both just laugh about it and were never entirely serious about it. Finally one day, this girl gathered the courage and decided to tell this tall, dark haired boy exactly how she felt. She woke up and started her daily routine by showering, brushing her teeth, getting her school stuff together then heading downstairs to eat breakfast. As she was getting ready she was going over and over in her head what she was going to say to him, and when she was going to say it. She thought, what if I get turned down? What if he sees me as a sister? Anything could happen. First period was math which they did not have together but second period was study, which they did. She finally found the words to say in math before the bell rang and she rushed to room 214 and he saved a seat next to her. He had a big smile on his face which made her very happy and more comfortable. As she began to speak, the boy beat her to it and simply said..I met a girl this weekend and she is perfect. She was exactly his type and they hit it off right away. As he went on and on talking about this other girl, she thought to herself..what about me? I thought you liked me. Maybe she was oblivious or maybe she was getting the wrong signs from him. But they did everything together and he said she was the only girl he could ever care that much about. It was hurtful and she felt like she had to give up. As freshman and sophomore year passed, this boy had still been dating the same girl he met that weekend and the girl was still lonely, but junior year was coming and this girl was determined to get him back into her life like old times. She would do anything for him, and she would not give up until he was hers. It was not obsession it was love. She loved him for who he was and she could not just get over it. He was a senior while she was a junior and the prom was only a few weeks away. Not to be immature but to see his reaction, the girl pretended to want to go with someone else that she was good friends with but had no feelings for. She decided to tell him in math class and he did not say anything after she told him. She did not understand what he was thinking but she knew he was not too happy about it. The girl got a phone call at 11:30 one Wednesday night and her cell said best boy friend, not best boyfriend just boy that was a friend, and that’s what his name was under in her cellphone. He called her extremely upset because his girlfriend broke up with him. She thought that his head and his heart was not completely in it so she did not want to waste her time anymore. He was crushed but could not go to prom alone..so he decided to ask this girl. She said she would think about it and would have to talk to the other boy she has been talking too. Deep down this girl knew that she was definitely going to go with him no matter what so the next day she just decided to walk up to his locker and she cheerfully said yes. Prom night was only a week away so they went to the mall and got everything ready, and it seemed like they were a couple but they were still just friends. The night finally came and this girl was gracefully waiting on her porch in her rose red sparkling dress, it was beautiful. He picked her up in his convertible and gave her red roses to walk in with, with her dress. As the night went on they were slow dancing and college came up. He was leaving at the end of the summer and the girl would still be in high school. He always said he would go to college free and not have to worry about being tied down, but with this girl it was different. He wanted to be with her and only her, and it took for him to not have her in his life at all times for him to finally realize it. Even though he would be hundreds of miles away his feelings would never change. The summer began and they were together everyday, but finally that summer came to an end. He packed his bags and was on his way to a new chapter in his life. They wrote each other every week and a fast senior year went by, then came June. She was finally graduating and she would be attending the same college as this boy. It was a rocky road but in the end it was always meant to be.
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